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How To Sell Your Car In 8 Easy Steps!

It’s never been easier to live without a car than it is right now.

We have access to more transport than ever before. From scooters, bikes, buses and trains, and services like car share and rideshare, which are available in most urban centres, there are plenty of convenient options available to help you get by.

And although the decision to ditch the car can be tough, the actual process doesn’t have to be. So to help make things easier, we’ve put together a step-by-step guide to follow when looking to sell your car.

1. Take It In For A Service

Before you look to put your car up for sale, it’s best to take it in for a service. You’ll have a much better chance at selling the thing if all the paper work is in check, tyres aren’t bald and brake pads are new.

It can also look a bit dodgy if you put it up for sale before a service is due – people might think there is something wrong with it and look elsewhere.

We recommend you try and book it in at the registered car dealership. It might be a bit more expensive but you’ll make it back in the asking price. You’ll also reduce any risk of complications after the sale has gone through.

2. Get It Cleaned

And get it cleaned properly. We’re not talking the cheap carwash down the road, we’re talking about a full rub’a dub-dub, wax and wash, detail by the professionals. It will show up 10x better in photos and when people come to inspect, you can be sure there’ll be no stray pet hairs or bread crumbs lying around.  

If possible, it’s also a good idea to limit driving the vehicle after you’ve had it cleaned. Just so it’s ready to inspect if a buyer comes through at a moment’s notice. Likewise, there is also the chance you could damage it or be in an accident. In this instance, GoGet is a great alternative if you need to get around!

3. Research Your Asking Price

We recommend spending a bit of time here to get this right! You want to make sure you’re getting the right price not only in terms of what it’s worth, but to ensure a quick and efficient sale. If you ask for too much, you could scare off potential buyers so it’s important you do your research.

By scrolling through sites such as Carsales, Drive, Cars Guide or Country Cars, you can see what others are asking for with the same vehicle. From here you can work out a rough idea as to where you should be sitting. Alternatively, you can use online valuation tools such as the one at Carsales. It will calculate it for you based on your make and model. Or, although an extra expense, you can always pay for a professional to do it for you.

4. Get Your Papers In Order

Make sure you have all the appropriate paper work organised and ready for a successful sale. This can include:

  • Vehicle transfer forms

  • Change of ownership documents

  • Notice of disposal forms

  • Original copies of the registration and warranty

  • Any insurance and/or road side assist paperwork

  • E-tags or toll passes

  • Proof of sale documentation

Similarly, you need to make sure you get in touch with your states equivalent to NSW Roads & Maritimes Service so they can update their records. Have listed these for you below.
NSW | VIC | QLD | SA | WA | NT | TAS | ACT

If the car is still under finance, this could make the sale more difficult. It’s not illegal to sell a car under finance in Australia, but there are a few things you need to do. Find out more about selling a car under finance here.

5. Take Quality Images

You don’t need to put too much time and energy toward this, however, you do want to attract potential buyers for a quick sale. So, it’s important it is done well. The best time of day to take photos (after you’ve had it cleaned of course) is either early morning or late afternoon when the sun is a bit lower in the sky.

Be considerate of your background and make sure there are no distractions. Take plenty of photos from both inside and out, and be sure to highlight any of the car’s special features e.g reverse camera, steering wheel controls or sun roof. If you’re unsure, Carsales have a great article outlining what angles work well to successfully sell your car.

6. Write A Compelling Ad

It’s important you are honest when writing your description. Be as detailed as possible and do not lie. Be up front with any dents or scratches and be prepared to produce images if asked.

Things to mention include:

  • Odometer reading

  • Model & make

  • Registration status

  • Brief summary of how the vehicle has been used eg. daily commute, unsealed roads, city living, road trips

  • Any additional features/inclusions eg. roll over registration, bike rack

  • Any previous work you’ve had done to it

7. Brush Up On Your Negotiating Skills

When selling your car, there are a lot of factors that come into play which will affect how quick you need to sell and how hard you need to bargain.

Before you talk to any potential buyer, it’s best if you can outline these and from there, negotiate accordingly. For example, if you need a quick sell, perhaps your minimum may be lower than if you have a few months up your sleeve. Or if it is in pristine condition and is relatively new, you may not decide to budge at all.

Either way, it is important to be polite, clear and confident. First and foremost, be up front and ask the buyer what their budget is and if it is nowhere near your figure, it’s best to say no right away. You don’t want to waste too much time with a buyer who isn’t serious (especially if your asking price is reasonable). If you are haggling, don’t drop your price by more than $500 each time and be sure to remind them of the benefits they’re receiving. For example, mention it’s just had a service and has a brand-new set of tyres – that way they’re aware of the value included.

8. Sign Up To GoGet

Now that you’ve successfully sold your vehicle it’s time to sign up to GoGet!

Instead of purchasing another one, potentially forking out even more money, you could save by using car share. It is a convenient and much cheaper alternative. You’ll no longer have to worry about rego, insurance, maintenance or even fuel! And you’ll have access to a range of vehicles, from SUVs, small hatchbacks and even vans whenever you need them that you can hire by the hour or day.

Did we mention we pay for fuel?! 🙂 

With the cost of even the cheapest new car exceeding $8,500 per year, car sharing can probably save you money. We’ve done the sums and the results are astounding.