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8 Road Rules You’re Probably Breaking

Are you a safe driver? You might think you are, but there's a good chance you're breaking some road rules without even realizing it. We’re all guilty of bending the rules sometimes, including the road rules. However, they’re probably the most important set of rules we have to follow on a daily basis, as people’s lives can be at stake.

To help you become a better driver, here are 8 road rules that you’ve almost definitely broken at some point in your driving life. Don’t stress if any of these are new to you… some of these rules are less well known to all of us.

1. Driving with one hand

Yep, it’s illegal to drive without both hands on the wheel at all times, with only a few exceptions. You’re allowed to take a hand off the wheel when indicating, using the wipers, or making some other appropriate adjustment, but that’s it.

The NSW road user’s hand book says this explicitly, while other states are less clear about the rules. However, one handed driving is illegal under dangerous or inattentive driving laws in every state, and people are regularly fined for it.

2. Not indicating correctly

Generally, you should indicate whenever your car is moving to the left or the right, to alert other drivers. That includes:

  • Using roundabouts,

  • Changing lanes,

  • Turning left of right, and

  • Leaving the curb.

If you’re not using an indicator in each and every one of those situations, you’re breaking the law. You’re also breaking the law if you don’t indicate left when you’re about to leave a roundabout.

If your indicators aren’t working, you must indicate with your hand when turning right or stopping until the indicators are fixed. Here’s a diagram from the NSW road user’s handbook that demonstrates how to do it.

3. Touching your mobile phone

Every Australian state outlaws using your mobile phone while driving. However, lots of drivers admit to still using their phones in the car, even though this a major cause of accidents in Australia.

In a world-first, the NSW Government rolled out mobile phone detection cameras in 2020, the first juridisdiction in the world to do so. Queensland soon followed and the other states have rolled out their own trials too.

The only way a driver can legally touch a mobile phone is if it’s placed in a commercially produced cradle and only under specific scenarios. That includes when you’re stopped at traffic lights. To stay on the right side of the law, set your phone up before you start driving, then don’t touch it and check your state guidelines for more info.

4. Not keeping left at high speeds

When going at high speeds, like on a freeway, you must drive in the left lane, with a few exceptions. Those exceptions are:

  • Overtaking,

  • Turning right,

  • Making a U-turn,

  • Avoiding an obstruction,

  • Driving in traffic, and

  • Using a special lane you’re allowed to be in, like a transit lane.

This rule exists in all states, though the speed it kicks in at varies (eg 80km/h in NSW, but 90km/h in QLD). Your best bet is to stay left whenever you’re able.

5. Speeding (even a little bit)

There’s an urban myth that police won’t fine you for speeding you unless you’re going at least 10% over the speed limit. It’s just not true.

Yes, there are times when police won’t stop an only just speeding driver, but there are also regular reports of speeding fines issued for drivers going even one kilometre an hour too fast. At the end of the day, all speeding is illegal and police are within their rights to fine you for it.

6. Not slowing down past emergency vehicles

One of the newest driving rules in most states is that you must slow down when you pass emergency vehicles with their lights on. The rule came about because too many emergency workers were getting injured in the course of doing their job.

In most states, you’ll need to drop down to around 40km/h, but it gets down to as low as 25km/h in South Australia. This includes when you’re driving on highways with a much higher signposted speed limit. Watch this short video from Transport for NSW to see how the rule works in action.

7. Driving tired

Driving tired can be just as dangerous as driving drunk, and it’s just as illegal. The number of tired Australian drivers is alarming, with 20% admitting they’ve fallen asleep at the wheel.

The signs of driving fatigue are easy to spot, and you can be fined for it. Not all states have explicit driving fatigue laws, but every state will charge you for dangerous or negligent driving if you doze off.

8. Driving with a cracked windscreen

Windscreen cracks are sometimes unavoidable, but not getting them fixed it a mistake some of us make too often. There are very clear rules around driving with a cracked windscreen, and lots of people break them.

Your best bet is to always get small cracks patched and replace cracked windscreens as soon as you’re able to.

So whether you’re driving a GoGet or your own car, by following these road rules, you can help keep yourself and others safe on the road.

This post shouldn’t be regarded as legal advice. Check that this information applies to your circumstances by speaking with your local road authority.